A brief history of my issues. I have been sick for about 13 years now. Misdianosed too many times to count by ignorant and under-educated doctors who don't know a parasite/candida issue from a hole in the wall (to put it nicely). Told I had everything from Lupus to Lyme's to EBV just to name a few. Also was told it was all in my head and told me to just go home and prepare to die. I'm going to die, but it's all in my head?! Now that's a conundrum! Sound familiar boys and girls? 8 years of college only to turn out to be b**eh**d doctor.
I've always known I have parasites. Seen too many strange things in my BM's, had too many stomach issues, can't lose weight and can't get rid of candida, no matter what I try. Have done lesser parasite cleanses with no results. Hubby is in the military and is over in Iraq right now. About four weeks ago he came home for a two week leave. The day before he left I started feeling sick. Nausea, diarrhea, mutant gas from hell unlike anything I ever heard or smelled (sorry, but we are being blunt here). At first I rationalized it was just from stress, but despite him being back in Iraq, I had experienced worse stress in earlier parts of my life. Didn't make sense. Now, some two weeks later not only is the nausea, gas and diarrhea not gone, but I woke up this morning with horrible heartburn like nausea - you know the lovely kind you get that radiates into your back? I already had the Humaworm in the house and had planned on starting it today anyway. On top of the regular parasite issue I have been dealing with so for many years, I am nearly certain my husband brought me back a Middle Eastern parasite. Which means of course when he gets home, he will be going on Humaworm too. Doing Humacleanse at the same time, to up my chances of success. I will keep you all updated to what happens. Oh and for the record, my dermatologist ran a stool test on me because I told him I have parasites. It came back negative of course. He too thinks, I'm sure, that I'm just a nut job hypocondriac. But for those of you who may be facing this, read up on why there are so many false negatives on parasites tests. Let me give you a hint: stool tests only look for the most common parasites and are limited to how many they can test for. It also depends on what stage the parasites are in when testing. And considering over 1000 different type of parasites have been documented, well I'm sure you can put two and two together. Best to go by your symptoms and your gut feeling (pun totally intended). Oh so my point being, if I pay any noticable beasties in the toilet, I plan on plucking them out, laying them out nicely and taking pictuers of them to send to my doctor. Here doc, here's my frickin' "all-in-my-head" evidence, you @#$&*!'in b**eh**d!