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Can you do a liver flush with DMSA and ALA to remove mercury from the liver?

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Desperadonyc5 Views: 1,715
Published: 16 y

Can you do a liver flush with DMSA and ALA to remove mercury from the liver?

I am at the end of my tether with mecury intoxication. I can't eat protein or carbs without having major odor problems. If I eat protein I smell like dirty hair or as some describe a funky odor, or if I eat carbs, I smell like old grease. I believe that mercury has caused a problem with my liver's ability to metabolize amino acids, specifially phenylalanine and methionine.

Do you think that during a liver flush, which Andy Cutler, says is not good for folks with mercury intox and add DMSA and ALA, this could move mercury from the liver faster?

I'm desperate at this point and would really like to know if there is anyone out there who has any knowledge of condition.

Many thanks


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