I have to agree that name-calling, labeling and personal baiting and attacking really contribute nothing to a debate, though it appears that it is hardly only coming from one side of the debate.
None of which goes to say that the man who refused to prove his citizenship with an actual orginal birth certificate and went to great lengths to hide his certificate as well as his college and other records is legitimate, or that bigger government is compatible with a constitutionally secured federation of sovereign states where each citizen is supposed to have unalienable rights. Likewise, a mementary jump in housing sales (when prices decline by 30% or more and interest rates drop to 4.5% one would expect a rise) or stock market rally after about 3 Trillion dollars have been borrowed or created out of thin air is the harbinger of good news. It may be that the imaginary bubble is merely being reinflated and that the ultimate crash will be worse than ever.
Someday there has to be a reckoning. As it is, each man woman and child has been saddled with tens of thousands of dollars in debt - plus interest - that will effect the standards of living of the majority of citizens and their children as well. You simply cannot spend your way out of a problem created by excessive and irresponsible spending to begin with.