Re: Getting headaches everytime I take iodine ...
Really? Huh! (scratches head) And I use the Celtic
Sea Salt a lot on my foods and have never had diarrhea from that.
Honestly I don't know how much I used. Several big pinches dropped into a glass with warm water. It could have been anywhere from 1/2 tsp to over 1 tsp. I just don't know. I stirred it up, drank it. It tasted good, like bullion. Then I drank a glass of cold water.
I do feel better today, though I am still having extra bathroom activity (frequent BM's). All is well that ends well. Maybe the batches of
Sea Salt vary. It is suppose to be high in minerals. Maybe between that and the magnesium I take was enough to cause diarrhea. At least I didn't feel sick to my stomach in a bad way. It just involved very frequent trips to the bathroom and I wasn't able to go anywhere.
My muscle stiffness and head aches are gone today though. So that's good.
Thank you for your sympathy!
And now after 3 weeks of starting iodine... I am feeling pretty darn good!