Re: Method to the madness of the Global Warming crises - Money
Yet the "environmentalists" have yet to take out Mosanto. Quite possibly the most arrogant company I have ever seen.
Caught a documentary tonight about monsanto on the local PBS station.
GE food, and animals. They made a mouse about twice the normal size. Then they decided to do the same thing to a pig, but it didn't work the same way and the pig was severly deformed, and couldn't even stand up. Another pig was made to have a cows coat. Horrible deformed cows were also shown.
In Canada, Monsanto won two court cases against a farmer that the wind blew monsanto GE seed onto his property. He was ordered to pay them damages, but he took it to the Canadian supreme court, and they reversed the decision. He now plans on taking Monsanto to court.
Canada is nearly all all Monsanto GE now.
India is fighting Monsanto also.