Re: Ladies - Did iodine affect your periods?
I've also noticed A LOT of changes starting to happen with my periods, including ovulation and PMS. I started the
Iodine about two and a half months ago. My periods have been very heavy with huge clots for the past few years (I'm 32), and I've been bleeding in between periods, horrible mood swings, painful cramps, tender breasts, etc. I started the
Iodine at three drops per day, and now I'm up to ten.
My first period after starting
Iodine was shorter and less painful, but then the next two were not. I think I read other stories on here about it taking a few months to smooth stuff out, even if you get a "good" period at first. I'm thinking I have some form of ovarian cysts (my doctor ran an ultrasound and said it was clear, but if the cysts are only around part of the month, I don't see how one ultrasound tells anything). I can always feel a cramping pain when I ovulate, and usually I end up having a little extra mini period of bleeding for a couple days during that time. Anyway, this past month, my breasts were not painful (of course, like most western women, I have fibrocystic breasts, which I've been told all my life is "normal", not to worry), and SOMETHING happened during ovulation- I had taken a warm bath, and when I got out of the tub, I was bleeding and my side was hurting. Before I could even dry off, the pain had me hunched over, and I ended up just laying on my bed for over an hour in just my towel, with cramping pain that was as bad as during my period, and enough bleeding that I had to use a pad the rest of the day. But what I'm wondering here is, if maybe whatever sort of growth or cyst I have (had?) going on in there was being dissolved or whatever by the iodine. Maybe extra or diseased tissue was being sloughed off, if that makes any sense. Or maybe my ovaries were just greedily gobbling up all that needed iodine :-) Usually I don't have THAT bad of pain and cramping when I ovulate, certainly not enough to incapacitate me like that.
Oh- and I also had this past week something that felt like a yeast infection, which I thought was weird with all the iodine I'm taking, but then I read some posts about how it might be mercury detoxing and irritating the tissue. In any case, the symptoms were bad at first, but now, about a week later, they're almost gone. So it definitely wasn't a yeast infection.