Re: Mystery autoimmune disorder making me sick, putting dents on my face
Hi Kir,
Wow! After all that, if I were you, I'd feel the same way.
You said you've been on candida diets and they didn't work. To me they are too hard, and they don't address all the problems, so they don't work very well if at all.
Rather than me rewriting a bunch of stuff that I've written before, I want you to take a look at my hubpage on ending food cravings. It's just a catchy title for a probem that also causes auto-immune disorders.
It will explain to you the three parts that need to be fixed to stop candida.
The other thing you need to know is this. When a person has leaky gut, it allows proteins to slip through into the bloodsream. The immune system freaks out when this happens.
The bloodstream wants amino acids (proteins get broken down into a bunch of smaller amino acids) and not food proteins.
The immune system spots the proteins and mistakes them for parasites. In response, it attacks the protein. This is how allergies get created.
Well, after this goes on three times a day for a long time, the immune system flips its lid and starts to attack healthy tissue. Voila, you've got an auto immune disease. Fibromyalgia is an example of that.
Well guess what! My recipe is designed to stop the entire process of yeast overgrowth and leaky gut. So no more proteins can go through which gives the imune system a chance to recover.
If I were you, I'd go slow, starting with just the PB-8 for a few days, then adding the caprylic acid for a few days, followed by the IntestiNew (rather than the glutamine), followed finally by the olive leaf extract.
If I had fibro real bad, I'd add malic acid or Corvalen M. The malic acid costs a lot less.
When you get well, go back to the specialists at UCLA and charge them $500 for the training you're going to give them on how to treat cases like yours.
There is also the possibility of heavy metal, but for now, I'd give this a whirl if it were me.
There are lots of happy campers who have tried my recipe. You're invited to join them.
The best to you.
Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer - one person at a time!