Re: --Distilled water--
Thanks Moreless. I find water fascinating. Two lighter then air elements combined to make one of the most life giving and destructive resources on earth.
It seems water is finate yet infinately recyclable.
Heated water takes on a special quality, distilled it becomes high energy water. It takes a lot of energy to create distilled water and that energy is used in distilled water to make its elements highly absorbable and highly energy giving.Contrary to most beliefs.
I drink DW in copious amounts, if I feel like it, in between the Moreless alkalizing drink and my pH levels are stable, my blood sugar is stable my energy levels are high and I feel many of my old symptoms are improving, constipation eliminated,insomnia gone etc.etc.
All with the best diet I can obtain of course! Growing season is just beginning around here so things will be getting even better.
Life is good!