I've beaten candida
Hi all,
I used to post a lot on this site and had some great advice from caring people, so I wanted to share my success story just incase it can help you.
I'll try to be brief.
4/5 years ago I started having panic attacks, balance problems, IBS, sore ears, flu-like symptoms, cloudy head, aching limbs. Doctors thought I was a hypochondriact because I had so many symptoms. I suspect a poor diet, endless
Antibiotics and alcohol was to blame.
By using the web I diagnosed myself with candida, got a bio-resonance test done and was told that I had the highest levels of candida that the nutritionalist had ever seen, she also told me that I was allergic to various things.
I tried the candida diet, anti-fungals and many other things to start with but found it only seemed to make a slight difference.
The "MS like" symptoms were still very bad so I decided to really go for it and try
Colloidal Silver .
I made my own at 10ppm and had a week of drinking a small glass a day. The die-off was incredible, much more than anything else I had tried. My head felt like it was going to explode.
A week later my stomach felt much better, so I packed it full of probiotics and only took a teaspoon of silver per day for a following week.
I still had slight balance problems so decided to try applying
Colloidal Silver into my ears and round the back of my head and ears.
The improvement was incredible!!!!
After 3/4 days of applying it my balance was perfect again, for the first time in 4 years!!!!!!
I still avoid
Sugar when possible by using Xylitol and I've cut my alcohol comsumption down recently too. I am running a half marathon in 2 weeks time and training has gone well.
I could never have even thought about a half marathon 4 years ago.
I almost gave up trying on so many occasions but so pleased I didn't.
Colloidal Silver might not be the answer for you but I'm amazed at what it has done for me. It also cleared a cold sore up in 2 days which was a bonus.
Let me know if you want any more info.
Good luck.