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Just need to vent, bad day
ring5100 Views: 3,097
Published: 16 y

Just need to vent, bad day

How could I feel 20% better yesterday and now feel 40% worse today?
I'm not on any thyroid precription meds.....yet.
I'm trying to see if I can build them up more naturally first, as I also have adrenal fatigue, I'm treating still.
I did do errands in town yesterday, cause I felt better, and I went to the indoor gym swim pool and did some light exercise there. Than this morning, I woke up feeling sooooo weak, more headachy, Depression and increased anxiety. I also feel fatter each day.
This is what I've been taking the past weeks daily basis:
Selenium 100-200 mc.g
B-Complex, Co-enzyme
Vitamin C, 1,000 mg.
magnesium, calcium, zinc formula
Vit. D
Pantothenic acid 500mg.
Cod liver oil
I'm considering getting T-100 (a non prescription) that contains 100mg. of Thyroxin free bovine thyroid tissue, Iodine from sea vegetables, and a few other things.

It really hurts me when my husband asks me if I want to go for a walk with him, as we used to walk together 1 mile a day, and now I can only still walk for about 10 minutes, as a slow pace. Some days maybe 15.
I've been treating my adrenals for 10 months now, so with the lingering symptoms still and weight gain, and my recent thyroid test with T4and T3 a bit low, I know it is that.
I'm afraid to try Armour, as my doctor suggested it once.
I did have a bad reaction 8 years ago with the very first dose, bad anxiety ( so bad had take a Valium) but, I also had severe adrenal issues than and did not know about the thyroid.
But, now that I've been treating the adrenals for a long time, could'nt it be the thyroid that is now causing even the anxiety, as it is causing stress on my adrenals?
I'm saving Armous Thyroid as a last result. I'm so tired of being tired and so tired of all the research etc.
I pray to my God for instruction and wisdom, in how to go.
A very bad day, sigh.......


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