Blood test results question - problem?
I am a little confused about recent blood tests results and whether they indicate something that should be followed up.
In August I had blood drawn twice. The first, at a regular checkup, included TSH. Results were TSH: 1.924.
Toward the end of the month, I went to the doctor for an unrelated reawson. More blood was taken and she included three thyroid tests (not sure why):
TSH: 2.060
Free T4: 1.63
T3 Uptake - 24%
All of these seem to be well within reference ranges, but a friend mentioned that the TSH seemed high to her. I don't think I have had many of the symptoms listed here, other than some occasional fatigue (but who doesnt have that!), and what has been diagnosed as mild chronic sinusitis (recent problem). No family history of thyroid problems that I am aware of. Is my friend correct that these results are a little troubling? Or are they within acceptable ranges (as the lab reference intervals suggest)? Any thoughts would be much appreciated!