I am very interested in starting your plan, but I have been cultured against 10-undecenoic acid and I tested resistant. I have tried others that I was resistant to and sure enough...I had no results against the candida. Do you suggest another anti-fungal remedy? Also, I have done your diet for months on end and recently added ghee or a non-dairy butter. Should I take them back out? I now weigh 100lbs (and I'm 5'8) so I am always looking for ways to get a little more fat/calories in my diet. You are right about Dr. Simoncini, but someone from his website emailed with his remedy for candidiasis...1 tsp of sodium bicarbonate every morning for a month, take 2 weeks off and then take it for another month. I had huge die off the first go around. Is it safe to combine his once a day dose with your plan? Lastly, do you recommend Fivelac? I won't buy it again, but I also don't want to throw what I have out. Thanks so much for your help!!