Re: Upper-arm thinning exercises? DO they exist?
dear harmony,
madartist mentioned a good one - holding either a dumbell in each hand or a single heavier weight in both hands, extend your arms above your head and, slowly bend your elbows to lower the weights back, keeping your elbows close to your head, and returning back to starting position ...make sure you fully return to starting position (straight arms up top, although don't harshly lock your elbows) - i was doing so many reps and thinking "these are a joke" until i realized i wasn't squeezing the weights fully back to starting position ...once i did that, i started to feel them for sure! also, keeping the move SLOW makes a difference. i'm sorry if i didn't describe it very well, but these moves are called tricep extensions so maybe you can find a demonstration online.
another good one is: holding a dumbell in your hand, step forward onto your opposite leg and lean your free hand onto that thigh (so you're in a subtle lunge position) and, you want the elbow of the weight-bearing arm to be pointing towards the back of the room as your starting position, then... keeping your shoulder and upper arm fixed and thinking of your elbow as a hinge, slowly straighten your forearm in a controlled motion until it's fully straight (but don't lock your elbow), then lower back to starting position, slow & controlled. this move is called a tricep kickback in case you want to look it up.
and one last one - i would build my way up to this and save it for last - is to sit at the edge of your seat, place your hands on the edge where you feel will be comfortable and, ease forward until you've slid off the seat and are supporting yourself on your hands (this is your starting position) and, relaxed, and only doing what you can, you want to lower yourself a little, bending your elbows, then lift (straightening your arms) back to starting position. just try what you can, gentle lifting and lowering a bit, you don't have to try to lower deeply or do many reps ...and believe me, you'll feel these. this move is called a tricep dip in case you want to look it up.
on a superficial level, if you've found a cellulite cream that works for you, you can massage it into your arms and over time it will make your arms appear a little more defined (due to water reduction) and, for a boost, like if you have a special event where you want to wear something sleeveless, u can make a paste (these are just suggestions, i'm sure u can look up some ideas) of some stimulating ingredients (like coffee grounds and coffee) and astringent ingredients (like clay, seaweed, tea), apply it to one of your arms and wrap your arm in either ace bandage/gauze or plastic wrap for about 10 minutes to half an hour and, you'll get an immediate, temporary more toned look...
sorry i wrote so much - i hope i've helped a little...