Re: Have You Even Read The Topics Allowed In This Forum?
I suppose you could post any ridiculous subject matter you wanted to if you don't mind looking foolish or out of place. I 'm sure those new age guru wanna bees who feel the need to preach and patronize will continue to do so in spite of anyone else's opinions.
Marishka Hargatay lol!
Hi 108005
What is foolishness to one man is great wisdom to another. Opinions are of not effect to the subject matter... it is what it is...
Now I have offer to not post inner knowledge type information on the conspiracy BB if requested. This far there has been no requests -
By the way - we all are learning and growing - I find it beneficial reading everyone's opinions - it is like looking at different sides of the same object - thus in doing so, we all see the object clearer or the idea - the thought....
PS I do not see anyone here trying to be a guru. Personally I try to convey my point of view - as we all do... If you feel that I am a beginning guru - well thank you