Re: Pain under right rib cage-DESPERATE FOR HELP!!
You don't have to order via e-mail, you can call the Humaworm Customer Service number and order (662)326-3970
Your husband probably does have a parasite problem but also he needs to have his prostrate checked if you think that could be some of his problem also. Nothing to fool around with.
Pork Tapeworms migrate to the brain area so that possibly could be one of his scalp problems. Parasites pee and poo and that is very toxic to our systems. Our skin is one way that we detox so that may be why his is getting a different body smell.
Parasites also reproduce so he probably has a blockage of parasites. RG says it is a good idea to do the plain liver flush before you do the Humaworm cleanse if you are really toxic, but you don't have to do the Plain Liver Flush. You can e-mail me and I can give you my version of the plain liver flush if you would like to.
I was very sick prior to taking the Humaworm cleanse, I have done 5 Humaworm cleanses and now around 6 plain liver flushes and I feel better than I did when I was in my 30's and I am now 54 years old, just had a birthday. Is he constipated? If so, he may need to also take the Humacleanse which will help get his bms going better which is a must when you take the Humaworm cleanse because RG says that dead parasites left in your body is just as bad as ones that are alive.
You are lucky that you found this forum. Donna