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Pain under right rib cage-DESPERATE FOR HELP!!
aimee7600 Views: 11,658
Published: 16 y

Pain under right rib cage-DESPERATE FOR HELP!!

My husband in 44 yrs. old and has always been in excellent health. He started experiencing chronic severe pain in his gallbladder area 3 years ago. The pain began after we had eaten questionable meat AT A TACO STAND, in Tijuana Mexico. So of course everyone thought it was a stomach infection. He did test positive for typhus at that time (this type of infection is very common in this area due to unsanitary conditions and no regulation of such.) He was treated with antibiotics for over 6 weeks and the typhus level dropped off but the pain continued and worsened. He has constant pain over the area under his right ribcage, the area often becomes distended and hard. He will get nausea, chills and sometimes sweats. He can only sleep on his right side due to discomfort. After having a BM or attempting a BM or belching he will feel better TEMPORARILY.This may be irrelevant but he also has an outbreak of bumps on his scalp about every 5 weeks. They will itch like mad and even though he does not scratch them they will scab over as if scratched after 2 or 3 days, then will go away. Right now, though he has several which are not going away and are painful to the touch. This abdominal pain is so bad it is causing a very poor quality of life.
He has tried chemical dewormers and every antibiotic under the sun because the doctors here in Mexico always want to treat a "stomach infection" first. Maalox, Pepcid, anacids do not help at all, not even temporarily.He never gets better after antibiotic courses.
I found curezone a month or so ago and began thinking he might have gallbladder problems, although ultrasound came back normal. I also wonder about parasites. Could they cause this discomfort? Hes started coffee enemas and we thought he was cured, he felt 200% better for two weeks but the pain returned last week. He does a coffee enema every other day and has the pain on the morning after he does not do an enema. He says he feels like their is something "blocking" his bm's close to the anus like 3 inches in at times, could this be prostate problem??
We are frightened as he has lost about 20 lbs since starting the ce's/ He looks great, was very overweight, but this weight loss was fast and unexpected for sure.
Now the latest symptom is that I have noticed a strange odor on him. He has always naturally smelled very good, like lemon blossoms,(not kidding) with no colognes or anything. Suddenly he has a fishy odor emanating from his pores sort of like when one has been exposed to DMSO....
Please any suggestions are welcomed asap!
We are thinking to try the liver flush now and do a parasite cleanse. The problem is that we live in a very very remote area of Mexico and I have no way to order these things online. If I knew what herbs to use for a parasite cleanse I could get them at a Botanica(place to purchase herbs here) when we go into the city. Any suggestions on this as well would be great!


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