Re: my guess is that you haven't looked too deeply into the free money for poor and middle class college students.
I've done plenty of research on this subject. There is NO Free Education, for ANYONE. Why else do you think the poorer population is uneducated???
Anyone who cannot afford gets what's called a Student Loan, ONLY if you have the Credit, OR Mommy and Daddy's backup to get one.
With the poor (and I don't mean by outdated US Poverty Standards btw) having no way to pay back the loans, they don't have the privilege of getting them.
I don't know what State you live in, but I challenge you to show me any credible link or otherwise that backs up your assertion that the poor, middle class whatever, get FREE Education.
I can't show you anything that does not exsist :)
So you do YOUR research on that subject and get back to me...
I see there's another ignorant person who agreed with you, I also invite them to the same challenge :)
Good Luck!