Gall stones & Liver stones are parasite related
There can be few causes of congested liver
Toxic overload
Lack of sleep
but in my opinion most of them are caused by Liver fluke blocking the bile duct. why do i think this way? I ve done 42 traditional HC
Liver Flushes and I just turned 30
it was since 4 years ago when I started flushing and still I get alot of stones prolly passed 6000 or more stones so far, its never ending
Ive done
Clarkia parasite cleanse 4 years ago and passed many Ascaria round worms, since then for like a year Ive got a good color stool dark brown or sometimes brown but then after about a year my stool color changed to orange and sometimes bright yellow even when I was still doing LF
so I decided to go on Humaworm and I been on it for about 17 days and seen some liver flukes come out and some
Tapeworm looking white worm but it can be Ascaris, not really sure but it was white and long LOL
anyways my point is that all flushers should look in to
parasite cleanse at least once a year
good luck and keep on flushing