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Image Embedded Dr. David Brownstein's newsletter ad re bromine?
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Dr. David Brownstein's newsletter ad re bromine?

Quite a bit of info to contemplate. . . . . . . . .


Dr. Brownstein's Natural Way to Health

Are You Suffering
From Fatigue, Headache
and Weight Gain . . .

But Don't Know Why?

The hidden culprit could be “bromine,” a common ingredient in thousands of fresh and packaged foods, medicines, and consumer products. . .

Bromine disrupts your thyroid gland but doesn't show up as a problem in thyroid tests.

See how to test for bromine — and also get rid of it — so you can FEEL BETTER fast!

Dear Newsmax Reader:


Millions of Americans are suffering from bromine poisoning and don't know it.

That's because bromine is used in thousands of fresh and packaged foods, in hundreds of medicines, and in thousands of common household products like carpeting, computers, even swimming pool chemicals.

It's an ingredient that makes food manufacturing easier and many products safer. . .

But in your body it's an ENERGY ROBBER and potential carcinogen. And it goes undetected in standard blood tests performed by your doctor.

Do you have any of these symptoms?

About David Brownstein, M.D.

Dr. Brownstein

Dr. David Brownstein is a Board-Certified family physician and is one of the foremost American practitioners of holistic medicine.

He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and Wayne State University School of Medicine. Currently, he is the Medical Director of the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, MI.

Dr. Brownstein has authored eight books on natural health:

  • Drugs That Don't Work and Natural Therapies That Do!
  • Overcoming Thyroid Disorders
  • Overcoming Arthritis
  • The Miracle of Natural Hormones
  • The Guide to Healthy Eating
  • Salt Your Way to Health
  • Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It
  • The Guide to a Gluten-Free Diet

In addition, Dr. Brownstein has lectured internationally to physicians and others about his success in using natural hormones, and nutritional and holistic therapies in his practice

  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Weight gain?

Or are you suffering from . . .

  • Hair loss, dry skin
  • Feeling low
  • Decreased libido
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Little zest for life?

Hello, I'm Dr. David Brownstein. And I'm writing to tell you these symptoms could be a result of too much bromine in your system, aggravated by reduced levels of iodine.

This is very common today. I see it all the time in my practice, and I now routinely test my patients for high bromine and low iodine. It's an unhealthy combination that can lead to . . .

Hidden "Hypothyroidism"

Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid gland. Your gland doesn't make enough hormones to stop fatigue and weight gain.

And low thyroid will create a host of other problems, too. Just ask Oprah, who has talked publicly about her thyroid problem (and difficulty losing weight).

But today's “bromine problem” is particularly insidious because . . .

It causes “hidden hypothyroidism,” a condition in which “brominated thyroid” masquerades as thyroid, fooling your doctor and robbing you of this energy-producing hormone.

That's right! Even if your doctor has checked your thyroid levels and told you
they're fine, excess bromine could be producing a “false read.” So . . .

  • YOU FEEL DULL and apathetic . . .
  • You gain weight or can't shed those extra pounds . . .
  • You don't have the pep and vigor you once had . . .

And you may also be seeing your hair thin out, your skin go dry, an increased frequency of headaches, or feelings of irritability and even depression.

Even small amounts of bromine in your system can wreak havoc. And, again, millions unknowingly have elevated bromine, causing these very problems.

Get 3 Best-Selling Books From Dr. Brownstein FREE. Go Here Now.

Get Tested For It Now

You don't want to let high bromine go unchecked, because it can lead to serious problems with your prostate, ovaries, breasts — including cancer! Fortunately, there's a simple test for it.
And an easy remedy for getting rid of it. And that's why I want you to have a FREE copy of my special report — The Everyday Food Additive That Toxifies Us All.

This valuable report  is in my latest issue of Natural Way to Health, the popular monthly health letter that . . .

  • Exposes the hidden dangers in common foods and medicines . . .
  • Reveals the truth about conflicting medical reports in the press . . .
  • Offers safer and healthier alternatives to harsh conventional treatments
    and drugs . . .
  • Plus, easy tips and strategies for feeling better now!

I'll tell you more about my letter in a moment — including a SPECIAL OFFER to receive 12 monthly issues for just pennies a day — but first let me tell you what you'll find in your FREE copy of my report, The Everyday Food Additive That Toxifies Us All.

You should know this . . .

Bromine is a member of the halide family of elements, which includes fluorine, chlorine, and iodine, and the reduced forms, bromide, chloride, fluoride, and iodide.

Iodine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormone. And chloride, a common ingredient of salt, is necessary to keep the fluid inside and outside of your cells in balance.

But the other two halides, fluoride and bromine, are both carcinogens and have no therapeutic value (the idea that fluoride prevents tooth decay is more marketing hype than science). I recommend avoiding both.

But here's why bromine is especially a problem today . . .

Bromine's Insidious
Effect On Your Health

In recent years bromine toxicity has become a near epidemic because it's so widely used in food and popular home products. And here's what it does in your body . . .

Bromide is rapidly absorbed in the intestinal tract, and because its size and weight is very close to iodine, the two compete for binding in the body, especially in the thyroid gland.

This is an extremely important concept to understand . . .

If you build up too much bromine in your system, it'll crowd out the iodine, binding to your iodine receptors and causing your body to release iodine. The result is an iodine deficiency and a condition called “brominated thyroid.”

Fatigue, headache, weight gain, depression, feeling cold, and a host of other problems can follow. And your doctor won't know a bromine-induced dysfunctional thyroid is the cause, because . . .

Standard thyroid tests will not distinguish between the good iodinated thyroid and the bad brominated thyroid.

In other words, your thyroid will look normal . . . when it isn't!

Again, this is a near epidemic in our society. And that's why I'm working overtime to get the word out to my patients, colleagues, and readers of Natural Way To Health. Here's what's in it for you . . .

In Your FREE Copy of The Everyday
Food Additive That Toxifies Us All, You'll . . .

  • Discover which popular soft drinks contain bromated vegetable oil — AVOID THESE!
  • See why commercial bakers use bromated flour and how to choose bread and pastry products FREE of it!
  • Find out which PASTA is safe. Some brands use bromated flour — avoid them!
  • Discover which types of popular over-the-counter MEDICINES are loaded with bromine — DON'T USE THEM!
  • See why bromine is used in many prescription medicines. Fortunately, you can get SAFER alternatives!
  • Know the CANCER risks from low iodine and high bromine — and how to correct the imbalance! 
  • Discover the HIDDEN bromine in thousands of home products — plus why bromine poisoning is even worse for children!

Also in Your FREE Report . . .

  • Bromine is widely used in crop fumigation — learn to AVOID high-bromine produce!
  • Spraying for bugs? Using pool chemicals? Use Bromine-free products instead!
  • Read a CASE STUDY of one of my patients who suffered bromine-induced fatigue and headaches, how we treated it, and what the stunning results were!
  • Discover which TESTS to ask your doctor to give you, to find out the bromine and iodine levels in your body!
  • MOST IMPORTANT — Get MY simple process to rid your body of bromine and keep it out for life (it's easy).

Whatever you do don't needlessly suffer fatigue, headache, weight gain, depression, hair loss, and risk cancer of the prostate, ovaries, or breasts — because of easily corrected bromine toxicity!

If you're like millions of Americans (and many of my patients) bromine has been building up in your body for years. Now's the time to get it out! And it's easy and safe to do!

Just send for your FREE report, The Everyday Food Additive That Toxifies Us All, conveniently inside my latest issue of Natural Way to Health. And today, I have a very special offer for you . . .

FREE Report, Monthly Letter
and Three Valuable Books!

If you act today, you can get a 1-year (12 issues) subscription to Natural Way to Health for just pennies a day. And your subscription includes . . . not only my valuable report on Bromine Toxicity, but my 3 most popular books, all FREE (see details on the books just ahead).

I urge you to read my report. And then act swiftly to protect your health and the health of your family. Next, get more valuable information for better health and living in my letter each month . . .

True Breakthrough in
Healing Information

Dr. Brownstein's Natural Way to Health is different from any other source of health information you've seen before — 100% focused on the critical issues affecting you and your loved ones today. You'll discover . . .

  • NewsletterLatest natural therapies that can help you feel better!
  • Best of the conventional medical care you can trust, plus what to avoid!
  • Hidden dangers in common foods and medicines . . .
  • The truth on the conflicting medical reports you read in the press and online.
  • Tips for healthier, energy-filled living . . .

Delivered directly to your email inbox — or your mailbox if you prefer — each and every month.

No matter what health issue you may be coping with, you'll discover every issue of my newsletter to be an outstanding source of useful suggestions . . .
to restore your good health if you're having problems . . . or to make sure you keep your good health and avoid risky and dangerous drugs, therapies, and food ingredients!

You Don't Want to Miss Out on One Single
Issue of Valuable Life-Saving Information

I'm sure you'll agree, the best medicine and health advice starts with the best information.
And as a valued subscriber to Dr. Brownstein's Natural Way to Health, you'll be way ahead of the crowd when it comes to the latest and most accurate health information that could possibly save your life and even change your health forever. 

In each monthly issue of Natural Way to Health, you'll receive:

Comprehensive Reports. Each month I include one in-depth report focused on a vital and timely health topic (presented in a user-friendly way). NewslettersYou'll gain clear insights into the most promising holistic and medical strategies to help conditions such as:

  • Arthritis and inflammatory disorders
  • Thyroid conditions
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Heart disease and high cholesterol
  • Hormonal imbalances (in both men and women)
  • Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Osteoporosis
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Breast and prostate cancer
  • Digestive enzymes and probiotics
  • And many more important topics

The Real Story Behind Today's Health News. I'm sure you regularly hear news reports on various health issues. Often one conflicts with another. What can you believe? Each month, I discuss several recent health items in the news, and share with you my insights on whether or not what you're hearing is accurate and valuable — or just plain wrongheaded!

Case Studies. I've treated thousands of patients throughout the years, integrating the best of the traditional and alternative health worlds. And I have amassed a huge collection of case studies that I'm anxious to share with you . . .

Each month, I present one or more of these actual cases for you to compare and use for your own good health. I want you to avoid making some of the same mistakes my patients made before seeing me (you'll see that many had nearly given up hope before finally getting the help they needed).

Nutritional Strategies. The old saying “you are what you eat” isn't far off the mark when it comes to what you're putting into your body. We live in a culture of fast food and eating for convenience, rather than for health and nutrition. Let me show you what you're really eating, and whether it's helping or hurting you!

Discover the little-known facts about such simple things as iodine and salt (the right kind of salt), grains and gluten, carbohydrates, proteins, fats and more. Discover how to easily shop for and prepare good meals, even make your family's favorite foods more nutritious!

Questions & Answers. Find out the correct answers to the most commonly asked questions on the biggest health issues impacting your life right now! PLUS, 3 FREE BOOKS!

Get 3 Best-Selling Books From Dr. Brownstein FREE. Go Here Now.

You're probably thinking all this valuable health information will cost an arm and a leg. No way. I meant it when I said “just pennies a day!”

An Incredible Bargain for You Today

A good value is hard to come by these days. But — SURPRISE! Here at Newsmax we believe in delivering quality information at a fair price — NO, make that a LOW PRICE!

Your investment for a one-year (12 issue) subscription to Dr. Brownstein's Natural Way to Health is just $49, — that's only 13 cents a day!

For just this single low price, your one-year subscription brings you hundreds of holistic healing tips and strategies that I've learned from my many years of medical practice. All the latest emerging natural therapies. And a treasure trove of case studies, and life-saving and health-restoring information!

Plus, today I want you to have a special gift when you sign up to receive Natural Way to Health and the valuable FREE report we've been discussing today!

You Qualify to Receive
Three FREE BOOKS — A $60 Value!

Free Books

Yes, it's true.

With your one-year subscription, you'll receive THREE FREE BOOKS worth $60.00!

You'll not only get Dr. Brownstein's newsletter and current issue The Everyday Food Additive That Toxifies Us All . . .

You'll also receive three of Dr. Brownstein's most popular books — Overcoming Arthritis, Drugs That Don't Work and Natural Therapies That Do, and Overcoming Thyroid Disorders (each one a $20 value).

In fact, we'll rush all three of them to you and even pay the postage for you.

You've already heard about some of the health gems you'll find in Dr. Brownstein's issue The Everyday Food Additive That Toxifies Us All.

But check out all the other kinds of valuable information you'll discover in these three free books . . .

Get Your 3 FREE Books Now. Sign up today!

Your First Free Book Is Dr. Brownstein's
Very Popular Overcoming Arthritis

Your first free book, Overcoming Arthritis, is chock full of news about the latest treatment options, options that can help you slow down, halt, or even reverse the progression of arthritis, and once again experience life to its fullest.

Shockingly, you'll hear that a combination of antibiotics and natural therapies could be the answer to your arthritis or chronic illness woes. Plus, Dr. Brownstein shows you beyond any doubt . . .

  • How to determine if an infection may be at the root of your arthritis or other chronic illness . . .
  • Two tests you must have done if you have a chronic illness such as arthritis . . .
  • The real truth about using non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (Hint: there is NOT a single study that shows that these NSAIDS will cure or even reverse any form of arthritis) . . .
  • How joint stiffness especially early morning stiffness could mean that you are actually dehydrated . . .
  • Plus, many more health-saving tips and strategies . . .

And You'll Find More Valuable Information
in Your Second Free Book — Drugs That
Don't Work and Natural Therapies That Do

In Drugs That Don't Work and Natural Therapies That Do, you'll see why some of the most commonly prescribed drugs today may be harmful to your health . . . and why you should consider natural therapies in your treatment program for these six common obstacles to wellness:

  • Elevated cholesterol levels discover how you can lower your cholesterol naturally . . .
  • Osteoporosis or brittle bones see how to maintain healthy bones without inflammation-causing drugs like Fosomax® and Boniva® . . .
  • Stomach problems like heartburn, reflux and ulcers see why you should use antacids only as a last resort. (And, holistic steps you can take to treat common digestive complaints) . . .
  • Depression discover how to raise your serotonin levels through diet and amino acid supplementation , the natural antidepressant treatment . . .
  • Inflammation hear about numerous simple and natural alternatives you can use to relieve the pain, stiffness, and other symptoms of arthritis . . .
  • Imbalanced hormonal system find out how to safely balance your hormonal system to improve your well-being, slow your aging process, and even reverse many chronic conditions . . .

Sign up today and Get Your Free Books. Go Here Now.

If That's Not Enough,
Look at Your Third Free Book
Overcoming Thyroid Disorders

And in your third free book, Overcoming Thyroid Disorders, you'll see how hypothyroid (low thyroid) may affect as much as 40% of the population maybe even you. And over time, this makes you vulnerable to heart disease and at least 59 other symptoms and conditions.

Plus, you'll discover:

  • How common blood tests only reveal a miniscule 2-5% of people who actually have thyroid problems . . .
  • Why the most frequently prescribed thyroid medications are NOT effective . . .
  • The secret link between hypothyroidism and two modern epidemics: fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome (Imagine saying ‘goodbye' to feeling tired and achy — permanently) . . .
  • How to easily measure your own basal body temperature one key indicator of your thyroid's ability to regulate your metabolism . . .
  • 12 signs and symptoms of an overactive thyroid . . .

All three of these easy-reading books (a $60.00 value) are yours FREE with your one-year subscription to Dr. David Brownstein's Natural Way to Health.

And just so you know, this is a limited time offer and only available to those who order from this special invitation.

Get Your 3 Free Books Today. Go Here Now.

But along with the savings and book bonuses, here's something else that should put your mind at ease . . .

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Either way, you can keep the 3 Free Books you received with our thanks, just for giving the newsletter a fair try. How's that for a deal?

I've shown you that your trial subscription is as risk-free as an offer can be. In fact, our bean counters tell us we've made it so fair, you're practically making money on this deal!

So your next step is easy simply take action.

Really, when you come down to it, all your really have in this life is your health. Without it, nothing else is possible.

Because you've read this far, I suspect you take your health seriously and want to do whatever you can to live your best life possible.

Go ahead, you have everything to gain by taking advantage of this limited-time offer.

Subscribe now and get your 3 free books.

To Your Lasting Health,

Dr. David Brownstein, M.D.

P.S. There's nothing more valuable than knowing the truth when it comes to your health. Make the decision to take charge of your health by claiming your report, The Everyday Food Additive That Toxifies Us All. Get your special report and 3 FREE books today.

You'll also get 3 free books; Overcoming Arthritis, Drugs That Don't Work and Natural Therapies That Do, and Overcoming Thyroid Disorders ($60 value) with your one-year no-risk trial of Dr. Brownstein's new newsletter a Newsmax exclusive. Don't wait another second. Join Now!


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