Rage? Why no revolution?
America has been in decline for 40 years. Wages keep dropping. Two people need to work 3 jobs to support a family. We have had useless imperialist wars.
The country has been invaded by 60 million immigrants or more. The culture is being genocided.
I had a political
Science teacher say that one of the main causes of revolution was rising expectations.
It appears today that the population has been condition to declining expectations. So if you expect things to get worse and they do, you have no reason to revolt. You just accept it.
This apathy is exactly what the NWO wants in its sheeple.
Stupidity,lack of information,brainwashing,gradualism,etc have created a slave class of devolved beings.
What is the law?
Do not eat meat.
Do not draw blood.
Never on all fours.
Or in the case of modern man:Act like a sheep.Do not protest.Do not expect anything. Do not rock the boat.
Bow down before your masters. Believe you are no better than the worst and the dumbest.
There is no one left to revolt. They are all pod people.