So love the truth but Ron Paul is just another puppet - playing a closer tune to my heart.....
The buzz words "We do not want bigger government"
This is the charade for - selling off the public wealth in the form of "privatizing"
Yes we are the government - it is the common wealth - that oil - coal gold on public land is all of ours..... being sold off - given away - under the guise of smaller government. As well as public electric, and water etc.
Privatization of Public Wealth is just Legalized theft of the Poor and Middle class by the Elite Rich. Ron Pauls Libertarian PseudoPhilosophy has this major flaw which had he been elected would have been the way the NWO would have used him, just as they find ways to use the D's and R's.
Republicans were always the puppets of the elite rich. Predation and economic slavery were always their agenda. The Democrats have used altruism by taxation as their form of fascist tryanny and have also signed on with the elite rich. Then they morphed together into a beast that is no longer human. It is something like the crossing of a man and a fly. Politicus Horribilus.