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help!! can colon hydrotherapy be dangerous? I'm worried...
dragonfly7 Views: 9,025
Published: 16 y

help!! can colon hydrotherapy be dangerous? I'm worried...

I recently discovered that the root of all of my problems (multiple food allergies , joint pain, fatigue, etc. etc.) may be candida overgrowth. I'm going on one month of a yeast and Sugar free diet and I just ordered the Body Ecology Diet book.

I decided it would be a good idea to do colon hydrotherapy because I was feeling terrible. I thought maybe my body was going through a healing crisis and I wasn't eliminating the toxins fast enough. I went in for colonics a few times about 2 years ago and all of my experiences were pretty much miserable. I was at a point where I was allergic to almost everything I was eating and I had constant intestinal problems.

I went back this time with the hope that it wouldn't be so bad. But it was terrible! I immediately got overheated, nauseous, and panicky. The woman was very helpful, brought in a fan, gave me ginger for the nausea, and checked on me frequently. I had a hard time holding the water in and then I would feel fine until I started to feel full and it would hit really hard again. Every time I released it was mostly gases. I only saw color and substance a couple of times. It was such a miserable experience. I asked the woman about it and she said that I only released gases because everything is so compact in there that it would take several sessions to break it all up.

I was very lightheaded afterwards but they gave me emergen c and let me sit down for a while. So this is what worries me: every time I went to the bathroom for the rest of the day I felt like I needed to have a BM but each time a small amount of blood and some white, kind of gooey stuff came out. Is that normal?!? I was thinking maybe it's dead yeast? But blood doesn't seem normal! It was a very small amount but it happened all day. And I haven't had a BM since the day before I got the colonic so it's been over 48 hours.

Any input here would be greatly appreciated. I'm terrified of going in for another colonic but I'm also scared to do enemas. I feel like it shouldn't be so terrifying. Has anyone else had experiences like this?

I've also noticed that my urine is kind of foamy or bubbly sometimes. This has been happening since I introduced VCO into my diet. Is that a sign of yeast die off? I'm up to about 3 T of VCO a day. Is is bad to eat more than that in one day? That seems to be how much everyone recommends. I absolutely love the taste of it! But I don't want to overdo it. I've cut down a little bit because I don't want to have a toxic overload in my intestines.

Sorry this is so long, I'm just worried about my colon. Please help!!



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