Re: Anyone else think there's a secret cartel running this country?
"It happens so quickly it looks like a form of body snatching to people who aren't hypnotized. But, the ones who are hypnotized stay good sheeple in denial and they don't rock the boat."
Stockholme syndrome,white guilt and denial of whats happening, brainwashing,media control and propaganda,school dumbing down and propaganda,hispanic and black racism,liberal fascists,NWO elite rich,Corporatism,wool blind sheeple,NWO lust for power and money,sheeple that worship money,obfuscation of facts,small and big lies,divide and conquer,pit one group against another,use wedge issues to distract and confuse (abortion,gay marriage),corrupt courts,fascist laws,the end of free speech,libel and slander lawsuits, threats ,intimidation and outright murder,payoffs,lobbying,quid pro quo-politicians to corporate jobs,elected corrupted judges,fixed elections,redistricting,tampering with census data,and FEAR