And the presidents, congress, senate and all the rest of this government are puppets to some banking mafia family?
It's like invasion of the body snatchers once they get in office.
Every politician, no matter what party, turn into BIG GOVERNMENT proponants, EXCEPT Ron Paul. I have a feeling he knows the answer to this question. I will research this online.
Has this been explored in here, or is this just creative paranoia?
It couldn't simply be GREED!
Thank you. I'm watching him on youtube. I'd heard this before about the Fed Res. but didn't connect the dots.
Here's Ron Paul, the one man who could've healed this nation, but he never would've gotten in office alive.
The majority of humans on this planet are too into the drama and not ready for peace.
The American Conservative published an excellent article by Thomas E. Woods about how Ron Paul’s efforts to abolish the Federal Reserve are gaining mainstream traction.
The popular uprising against central banking
The way Ron Paul tells it, his more than 30 years of speaking and writing about money, inflation, and the Federal Reserve System attracted only limited interest outside libertarian and constitutionalist circles. The subject, and Paul as its spokesman, were scarcely to be found in the media, even—or perhaps especially—on the business networks.
But Paul’s 2008 presidential bid changed that. Suddenly the Fed was on the table for discussion for the first time since Congress established it in 1913. With Paul making the evils of central banking and fiat money a theme of his campaign, the issue took on a vigor that few expected. Even calling for the Fed’s outright abolition was [no] longer unheard of on the television news networks.
When Paul first raised the issue in his campaign, he had no idea what he was tapping into. “I didn’t realize people your age knew so much about money and inflation,” he told a rally at the University of Pittsburgh last year. “But it gets the largest applause at college campuses. I figured the first time it happened [at the University of Southern California] it was an accident. … But then at the University of Michigan, they started to burn Federal Reserve Notes.”
To Paul’s surprise, some of his loudest applause lines involved salvos against the Fed. Chants of “End the Fed!” greeted his denunciations of the economic damage the central bank was unleashing. An underappreciated reason for Paul’s fundraising prowess was his outspoken opposition to the Fed, a subject that had long been off limits in American politics. Eventually, a national organization called End the Fed, with local chapters around the country, gave institutional expression to the issue, sponsoring a series of demonstrations against the central bank in 39 cities last November.
This is a new phenomenon on the Right. The libertarian and conservative think tanks that liberally invoke the names of Austrian School economists like F.A. Hayek have tended to ignore these men’s opposition to central banking, a position too politically incorrect even for those who pride themselves on their willingness to defend unpopular positions. The Ludwig von Mises Institute and the Foundation for Economic Education have been among the handful of exceptions to this rule, providing the scholarly infrastructure to convert what was sometimes an inchoate unease about the Fed among Paul supporters into well-honed arguments.
Unlike in the past, moreover, commentators with high media profiles now defend this view of money and central banking. Peter Schiff, president of Euro Pacific Capital, may be the best known of these. Schiff foretold the crisis before it happened, including the bankruptcy of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. His books Crash Proof and The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets, both of which have sold well, take an Austrian approach to current conditions. A grassroots movement is even trying to draft Schiff, a resident of Connecticut, to run for U.S. Senate against Chris Dodd in 2010.
Schiff isn’t alone. Famed investor Jim Rogers calls for the abolition of the Fed when he’s a guest on business networks. Indeed, he predicts the Fed’s demise sometime in the next ten years. Another Austrian analyst all over television and the print media is James Grant, editor of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer. Similarly high-profile is Mish Shedlock, whose Global Economic Trend Analysis blog takes a reliably anti-Fed position.
Read the rest of the article at The American Conservative’s website.
Yes, I agree, and the only way out of this mess is Instant Runoff Voting. Google IRV.
Or we're going to need a revolution. But RP tried that. People are just too hypnotized or ignorant. It's the Stockhold Syndrome, like what happened to Patty Hearst, or how Hitler conned the masses.
Those are obvious, but the incredible thing is when decent people with kids and future grandkids get into political power and become these criminals. That's mind boggling.
It happens so quickly it looks like a form of body snatching to people who aren't hypnotized. But, the ones who are hypnotized stay good sheeple in denial and they don't rock the boat.
Stockholme syndrome,white guilt and denial of whats happening, brainwashing,media control and propaganda,school dumbing down and propaganda,hispanic and black racism,liberal fascists,NWO elite rich,Corporatism,wool blind sheeple,NWO lust for power and money,sheeple that worship money,obfuscation of facts,small and big lies,divide and conquer,pit one group against another,use wedge issues to distract and confuse (abortion,gay marriage),corrupt courts,fascist laws,the end of free speech,libel and slander lawsuits, threats ,intimidation and outright murder,payoffs,lobbying,quid pro quo-politicians to corporate jobs,elected corrupted judges,fixed elections,redistricting,tampering with census data,and FEAR