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Re: "Rash" on skin and itching
fledgling Views: 2,084
Published: 16 y
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Re: "Rash" on skin and itching


Good points, everyone.

I'd like to add that the 'itching' may be more from parasite poisons, dumping through your skin, than anything else.

I read the astonishing statement that the skin eliminates more than the kidneys, lungs, and bowels, combined!

From my past experiences, I'd likely slide myself into a tubful of warm water containg 1 kg. (2.2 pounds), making a 1% solution, of Himalayan crystal mineral salts...sinking every part of me, including the face and hair, and keeping every sticking-up part wet with a facecloth...for 20 to 30 minutes.

I won't try to describe the action, both in and out through the skin, by osmosis, of the most complete and plant-balanced source of minerals we know...AND the further dilution of toxic materials simply from immersion in water.

But, I will suggest that you try to pre-melt the crystals in a bucket of (warm or hot?) water beforehand.

Sitting on unmelted crystals isn't much fun.

The whole bath, or a footbath, or a hand bath, should taste as 'salty' as tears...and the solution is sterile...simply because of the nature of the mineral salts. ...No one can 'catch' anything from this bath.

Only two footbaths, on consecutive evenings, vanquished 'anxiety' for me...and the edema on the tops of my feet diminished dramatically.

(I had less depression afterward, too, but depression is something different than anxiety, and may take a bit longer to disappear. We may have to see 'what' depression is made of, within...but NOT 'how', or 'why'...and comfort ourselves.)

My crystal mineral salts happened to come from...

It took me three years to try them, because I wondered what they would 'do' to me. I didn't realize that these, in exactly this combination, were the basic building-blocks of all life...that our bodies manufacture everything from them, when we eat good plants and breathe oxygen...and stay wet enough, inside, anyway.

Add thoughtfulness, laughter, and love...and we are home-free.

My best, No-longer-ailing.



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