describes kills from Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , which should be explored. I have ordered mine, so I will see. I don't especially like the aggressive measures that I have resorted to so far..But, I have a fresh report. Last night, There was a new possible dwarf Tapeworm , doing a very slow slither in upper sinuses, but really directly in the intervening tissue coring its way along and I thought it might be in the lower cranium. I was doing forehead and forehead to back of the neck, and when I had a spare moment I laid down, did the Sweetened Condensed milk lure; rolled it in my mouth, "mmm, mmm" etc. I took 2 spoons it went for it, got down some, changed its mind started back up- then I had a couple more spoons, it went down. I was ready for it. I had the electro pads duct taped to my neck, and WHAM, did high strength for a couple of minutes. My neck is definitely sore today, but I'm not getting the same encroachment as I had yesterday. I hopefully picked off the leading hatchling. But there are more still..I anticipate getting the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement ..