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Re: How to Kill Brain Parasites
geritol Views: 27,532
Published: 16 y
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Re: How to Kill Brain Parasites


I'm *not at all sure* that it is safe. However, I can report that, seemingly, I'm OK so far. No loss of motor skills, I can still see colors, smell is good, still sleep just fine, etc, etc. Maybe Parazapper's admonishments [about brain zapping] are well founded, and time will tell, hopefully, assuming I have that time.. I can barely pull my wife away from her unit. She has had a higher wormload than I did.

I am very curious about independent feedback on doing that sort of thing; I'm reporting what I did, for the record, and still see the wisdom in it. Over the last few days, I have a new batch of what seems like dwarf Tapeworms hatching and making me itch, as I have mentioned, and do not look forward to having them mate, only to spew countless eggs inside my body. I think I might take bloodroot tonight, as my Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is a few days out [other good option]. My advice is to try to figure out what exactly what species you are dealing with, as that would likely influence one's level of aggressiveness.

MOre reports on Miracle-Mineral-Supplement are needed, I think.


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