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Re: Your opinion on "Bio-identical" hormones

Dr. Clark Shop
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Dr. Clark Shop
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Dr. Lam Views: 2,271
Published: 16 y
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Re: Your opinion on "Bio-identical" hormones

BHRT has its place. It all depends on what you are trying to do. There are two broad categories, one is those who have real problems such as PMS etc. The other group are people who wants to fine tune their already good health for anti-aging purposes.

In general, I dont like to touch the body with anything, natural or otherwise, unless there is a reason to do so.

There is a common mis-believe that the body is like a light switch that can be turned on and off at will. Bear in mind that anytime you touch something, something else in the body invariably gets altered whether you like it or not, especially with hormonal issue.

I also caution over-reliance on lab because they may not be as good correlating to clinical picture as you may think. you can spend lots of money on lab and get no where.

Generally speaking, hormonal balancing is very simple and not complicated at all for the experienced clinician. don't get carried away with all the "science" which is still in its infancy at best in our understanding. Take a step back and look at the big picture, and that is what counts the most to make your body feel better. Don't try to micro manage your body based on laboratory numbers too much.

The key is to find someone who knows what they are doing to consult with. its not the lab, its the knowledge that counts. Most self-guided programs make you worse over time because the body is a moving target as you age, so any plan must factor in a long term horizon with logical plan going forward and not just piece meal as you go which is what most non-professionals do, ending up in a catch-up mode frequently.

not everyone need re balancing, and most hormonal adjustment can be done naturally without a lot of fanfare. Natural compounds are very inexpensive. The cost is very very low and is almost a non issue. yet I see people spend a lot of money on testing, supplements etc that sometimes are way overkill. So be careful.



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