LDN took my viral load from 1.6 mil to 58 K in 3 mos
Three and half months ago I started taking LDN. My starting viral load was 1.6 million. Three and a half months later, it is 58 thousand. Even if the virus is not completely defeated, this is valuable time for me to heal the liver in the absence of high viral counts.
I call LDN the Holistic Drug because, while still a pharmaceutical drug, it is given in a homeopathic dose and it works to strengthen the whole immune system by increasing production of endorphins and enkephalins (endogenous cell messenger opiods). Because of its mode of action it works very well with supplements and diet manipulation and exercise.
LDNf is also extremely effective on cancer and autoimmune diseases.
For me there are no side effects, but, in some cases, varying levels of sleep disruption or vivid dreams can occur.
I do not run it though my health insurance, and it still only costs $30 US per month.
I have done both interferon/ribavarin and LDN, and I would go with LDN over the interferon any day.
for info. Any doctor can prescribe LDN and it has a twenty year record of safety at megadose levels.
I would recommend LDN for almost any condition.
Be well!
Mike H