I have a gb-4000. Can I do these DNA frequencies on this?
I don't see why not. The GB-4000 is a good machine. As long as you hit a good frequency it will work. The Atelier Robin does have the advantage of a positive offset square wave that kills at any frequency according to Hulda Clark .
What exactly are these frequencies and where do you get them? I'm dealing with lyme, babesia, HHV-6 and probably a bunch of other things as well.
I haven't tried them yet but I did a little research on their website. Their isn't any magical thing about these frequencies. What makes them different is the method used to calculate them. To simplify, they use the genetic code of the organism to tell how many spirals of DNA they have. Then they use mathematical formulas to calculate the size of the organism. The size is used to calculate the MOR. Because the frequency is in the trillions or so Hertz they have to go down in octaves until a usable frequency is reached. Instead of using a Rife microscope, (trial and error) they use the genetic code and a calculator.