16 y
Can certain fruits cause dermatitis?
I have been trying to eat really healtly these past few days.
I have stopped eating junk food, sugary snacks, etc.
The past couple of days I have been eating a combination of strawberries, kiwi, blueberries and dried dates. I love that it makes me go to the bathroom easily (I'm somewhat constipated) but I am so upset because I have developed some sort of skin allergy.
I have red, dry, inflamed and seriously irritated skin around my mouth.
I washed the fruits thoroughly before eating it and I try to buy the organic kind.
Grapes does not give me the same problem with my skin though. Does this mean I have to give up these fruits or is there something I can do to lessen the irritation?
Putting hydrocortisone in it helps but I don't want to do that constantly.