If she is in more pain it may be that a stone is blocking a bile duct. She should do another cleanse tonight. Two weeks is a good time to wait because it allows more stones to move forward, yielding better results, but there is no reason to stay in pain. Also, I have learned from personal experience that drinking a little Epsom Salts in water will help relieve symptoms.
It is common for symptoms to show up after childbirth. I had the same experience. I had a couple of acute attacks several years ago and then nothing happened again until after I had my son. I had an ultra sound showing multiple stones. The doctor said I needed surgery. I have stuck with the flushes though- four so far and no surgery!!! I still have attacks sometimes and have had a couple of really painful, scary ones but it has gotten so much better!
So--- she should try another cleanse tonight. Use all of the Epsom Salts that Dr. Clark says to use but maybe try 3/4 to 1 cup of olive oil instead of just 1/2 cup. I have had less pain and better results when I do this.