My wife is suffering from gallbladder stones and they have been confirmed by an ultrasound scan.
She did her first flush, as described by Dr. Hulda, less than a week ago. The problem is that her gallbladder attacks intensify.
She did not seem to pass stones (calcified ones that is), however more than 60 pea sized soft green balls. They were soft and could easily be squeezed between the fingers.
The STRANGE thing is that she had never any gallbladder problems before the birth of our second son on the 2nd of July 2002 (by caesarean section). It started 1 - 2 weeks after this and the attacks become more frequently, almost daily.
Tomorrow she is scheduled for other scans and tests.
The doctor advises her to proceed with the gallbladder removal operation, should we do this ? Her pain is unbearable and it seems almost to much to ask from her to wait for another week for the next flush ?
Can flushes be done more regularly than every two weeks ? Can one flush while having the pain ?
Please advise, I wouldn't let my gallbladder be removed however I do not have the pain.
I will start with the
parasite cleanse myself and after completing this with the liver cleanse.
Thanks in advance,
Chris van Mierlo