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Day 9 of a 21 day water fast
fighting4joy Views: 10,760
Published: 16 y

Day 9 of a 21 day water fast

Hi! I am on day 9 of my 21 day water fast. I am doing this to seek God's face and grow closer to Him through prayer, but I have to admit that the weight loss has been a nice side affect. So far I have lost 12 lbs. I am feeling pretty starving (maybe I don't know what true hunger is supposed to feel like) but it is even really difficult to sleep at night! I heard that this hunger feeling is supposed to stop after awhile and wondering if anyone who has been on a 21 day fast before could give me some encouragement and what to expect for the rest of my journey and also if there is anything that can help ease the uncomfortableness or if that is something you just have to deal with. Man, I am realizing what a wimp I am! This fast is kicking my butt! :-)


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