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Tracey - More Answers
sphinx Views: 2,602
Published: 22 y
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Tracey - More Answers

The alleged parasites that I have passed are more seed or rice-like. I had thought that I may have passed a fluke but it looked suspiciously like a piece of mushroom, so it probably was.

Interesting that you have numbness from elbow to fingers. Do you notice it starts first thing upon awakening? Sometimes I roll in my sleep put my body weight on my elbow, thus temporarily causing numbness. I did this in college when I studied all night for a rest and apparently passed out on my elbow for so long that I thought I had permanently lost the feeling in my 2 smallest left fingers. The doc said I would eventually get the feeling back. He and I both did not realize it would take 2 years! But at least the feeling did return.

When you cleaned out your abdominal region (I do not know all of the chakras, but I am familiar with the concept), did you also fast when you did your bowel cleanse? Your post that you referenced was most inspirational.

I am mainly trying to get rid of acid reflux but I also experience shoulder pain from time to time. Less so since I started using a chiropractor. In fact, it was my chiropractor that inspired me to look for a website just like this one, because it was he who told me that a weak gall bladder and liver was causing much of my reflux and shoulder pain. I feel that I must remove more stones to get rid of the relux. I also think a Bowel Cleanse would help in this endeavor.

I wish you luck with your next flush, and thank you for your interest. Let me (and everyone else) know how your next flush goes.


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