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Re: Just ordered Iodoral
spudlydoo Views: 2,931
Published: 16 y
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Re: Just ordered Iodoral

Great post, I am really interested in the link between behavioural disorders and Iodine deficiency. The hugh increase in the diagnosis and medication of children is very worrying. The parents of these children also have high rates of behavioural problems and mental illness that is being medicated. Depression is the most commonly diagnosed condition in Australia and the most commonly prescribed drugs are antidepressants. I myself was diagnosed with Depression and offered an anti-depressant medication. I was NOT depressed, I wanted answers as to why I felt like crap. I had a severe hormone imbalance and was Iodine deficient. I have addressed both these issues myself and feel incredibly good now.

Energetic children are normal, not hyperactive, children who sit and watch TV like zombies are not normal they are drugged. Children who are naughty are normal, challenge them and stimulate them and they will not be naughty. A constantly naughty child is a bored child. (I know this as I was one) My mother was told that I was autistic/hyperactive with learning difficulties. My mother didn't listen to the docs, she decided that I was just bored and did not medicate me. As for learning difficulties I have 4 university degrees!!!! Learning difficulties?????

Your not crazy alex, the world we live in is,

kindest regards, spud


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