I have been on
Lugols for 2 weeks 3 drops 2x's a day. I had some kidney pain and brown pee but salt pushed and c'd my way thru it. Sorry guys I am a scared of selenium as I think at one point I was selenium TOXIC oooooh I am a nervous nellie. Maybe should get a hair analysis (now that I have some haha) . Anyway don't feel as nutty as I did last time I started this adventure last year so I am wondering if I should work up a few more weeks like this to the 50mg Iodoral or can u do both? Why am I so nervous all the sudden? so not me! I just don't know what to do or which is better.
I know one of your inquiring minds will ask why do u think selenium toxic...well because of my long love affair with chinese herbs (they have a selenium problem there either too much or too little) anyway I lost all hair and had wild insane rashes and damn near died of some raRe autoimmune lung disorder whatever so I ran across info about selenium tox, so it has stuck in my mind.
I am probably just paranoid who wouldn't be in this crazy jacked up world! Now that my daughter is 3 we have these playdates(it actually kinda feels like dating which is sad and sick in it's own right) anyway a lot of these poor kiddies are JACKED UP!!!!Autistic, behavior disorders,seizures that no one can explain HELL I CAN EXPLAIN IT!!!!! I always felt like a freak not vaccinating my girl. I got strange looks , lectures from family and friends, accusations of not LOVING her enough to protect her (my personal favorite). You are castigated and looked upon as a pariah, don't you take her for her well baby check up??? Who is her pediatrician? uuuhhh uhh she is a well baby and doesn't need a sick check up!!! I tell u what that girl is so healthy (knock on big timber) especially compared to her peers! I just want to grab one of those kids and give them iodine!!!! I am the crazy one don't you know!!!!
I wish there was some way we all could form a society, a community, with our own plan! I feel like a fish outta water here. I live less than 5 miles from Pres. Bush!! Tell me I don't want to get the hell outta here!!!!
I am so sorry for my tirade I just want to Say Spud and wombat you inspire me soo much keep up the lovely posts!