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Re: Who out there is into this Mona Vie juice MLM?
guibox Views: 3,020
Published: 16 y
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Re: Who out there is into this Mona Vie juice MLM?

I have been taking Mona Vie for over 2 months now and am thrilled with it. I do not have any serious health problems and I notice my energy level and quality of sleep has improved. I no longer crash during the day like I used to and even when I get 5-6 hours of sleep it is high quality that doesn't leave me tired throughout the day.

My wife's headaches which she'd get on a regular basis have all but disappeared and quite a few people we know have experienced phenomenal results with inflammation, pain and even eye problems!

We are distributors and plan to be financially free in 3 years on this product.

Even if there was no signficant difference, I know that we are getting high quality nutrition and full antioxidant power for prevention of diseases and health problems.

Most of us barely get 3-5 servings of fruit and veggies per day, never mind 13 in a daily dose of Mona Vie!


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