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Re: Juicing is saving my life part one / day 5 (long)
eureca Views: 2,934
Published: 19 y
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Re: Juicing is saving my life part one / day 5 (long)

wow, except for the juicing story, you could be me! I suddenly developed constant hives and neurological problems and then my hormones went haywire and now here I am on the juicing page.

Let me tell you that I removed all of my decaying tooth metals and within a month the neurological problems went away. I found that I had developed allergy to minerals, which was causing me to react to EVERTHING, including fasting on air and water. I had some NAET treatments for vitamin c, minerals and parathyroid, and the constant hives went away. No really it did. Now i'm just working on juicing for the minerals and nutrients that i was unable to assimilate due to my allergy and so here i am in the juicing forum.

I had consulted with GI docs, an endocrinologist, allergists, you name it and the major cause of everything was heavy metals, which basically causes your whole body to go haywire. Please look into this futher. You might do some natural chelating to facilitate the further removal of metals, and for God's sake, please remove all of your silver (mercury) amalgams.

Good luck,


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