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Re: Different forms of vitamin C
inspiraller Views: 2,777
Published: 16 y
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Re: Different forms of vitamin C

I think amla fruit and acerola cherry are the highest natural forms of vitamin C. I don't know how much this equates to if taking a powdered form. Obviously its more convenient to take a powdered supplement. I read in a book - Encyclopedia of Natural Health that taking 500mg of vitamin C raises the livers glutathione process 50%. This is very good for people with my condition - Gilberts Syndrome. I don't know if this is good long term since its not natural to be taking anything other than pure whole foods, but we live in a toxic world with all kinds of individual ailments. So I have been taking a gram of vitamin C with water three times a day for the last 6 months and my energy is so much better than it was. I take magnesium ascorbate, because on a hair mineral analysis my calcium level is so high its not recommended I take calcium supplementation. Anytime I have anything with calcium it tires me out also. I think the magnesium helps to balance the extreme of calcium.


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