I've had a Vita-Mix for 10 years,
and I LOVE it!
Dear TBO,
I bought my Vita-Mix around 1995. It is a
superb piece of equipment; probably the best
machine I've ever owned.
I use it every third day to blend a variety of
green veggies: packaged organic salad, carrots, celery, red cabbage, cucumber, and
some of my homegrown sprouts.
I fill the blender with about two-thirds
home-distilled water. Then I put in -- and
push down -- all the cut-up veggies. I blend for
about 30 seconds, and then transfer the thick
liquid to a BIG glass jar, which goes into
my fridg. During the next two or three days,
I drink that juice, a little at a time.
I've owned other juicers, TBO, but ended up
giving them away. My intuition tells me the
Vita-Mix whole-fiber juice is what my body
I use only 1 percent of its various abilities.
The Vita-Mix is capable of a wide variety
of blending, mixing, cooking, and other chores. I highly recommend it! It will pay
back its cost a hundredfold in good health,
over the course of your lifetime.