Hi Gina, I listened to the tape. My best friend from chiro school studies "A Course in Miracles". Lately, she goes to seminars by Gary Renard. He wrote "The Disappearing Universe" (I think that is the name)She and I have spent several hours over the years discussing our understandings and just can't quite get to the same place. Since I had such a real experiece of Jesus saving me from evil, I just can't agree with his definition of Savior and Evil. But, my friend was very hurt by a small group of so called Christians when she was young and I think she determined back then that she would not be like them. I wish I knew what they did, but they apparently weren't really acting in love. Of course everyone has free will and I can't make up for or speak for the actions of other people. I don't know why I am telling you about my friend, other than I am familiar with Marianne Williamson. And even though we believe differently we have remained close friends for about 14 years now. I may send the video to her, are there others from that conference on youtube?