Re: Melting arterial plaque naturally
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but atherosclerotic plaques cannot be "melted" at all.
The fatty stuff responsible for plaques gets absorbed by some immune cells (macrophages), which will accumulate under a layer of smooth muscle cells, separating the macrophages from the blood flow. If this muscle cell layer ruptures, chances are that you will have a heart attack, a thromboembolism, or a stroke.
If plaques could be melted with whaever solutions have been posted so far, millions of Americans could be saved from progressive cardiovascular disease, and some smart person would have already marketed the wonder cure for the sake of great profit.
I'm sorry, but the only way to prevent plaques is through lifestyle and diet, and once you have the disease, there is no way to reverse it, only to slow its progression, with the help of adequate medication,lifestyle, and diet. Btw., diabetes, smoking, and high blood pressure are the single-greatest offenders in accelerating the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques, as the aid the LDL entering the epithelium (cell layer) of the blood vessel.