help, anyone ever cured ?
Hello all,
I just spent 2 afternoons looking at this forum when I did a search for “cured”. There were 24 pages, and not one of them was someone actually saying they have been cured, what they had, and how they cured it.
Has anyone ever been cured ?
I recently started Paragone, because I expelled something that was about 5
inches long, and the size of angel hair pasta.
Could this be Asacaris ?
I have done 2 Humaworms in the recent past and never saw anything, and didn’t feel any better. I recently also woke up in the morning, and without opening my eyes yet, could actually see worms moving around in the darkness.
Anyone ever experience this ? What are they ?
I am also getting these smalls bumps in my thighs that are painfull, they are really close together.
Anyone know what this is ?
After the Humaworms, and paragons, I really don’t feels any better. What is the strongest
parasite killer out there. Are there any perscription medications. Also are there any Medical tests that are certain ? What are they ? I truly believe that the invasion is taking over, the symptoms are increasing and moving to all parts of my body now. I feel it wont be long before my major organs begin to start giving out.
Any help will be appreciated.