93809, I know nothing for sure, but I've had excellent good fortune...
...I have tripped over a fine kinesiologist, a really good bioresonance machine operator, and a little zapper for $1 at a garage sale...plus the only Zdenko Domancic distance practitioner in Canada. Silvia Sivec in Montreal is a great help!
I haven't done much with my little zapper, partly because it has been lost in boxes, I thought, when moving a couple of times.
A week ago it showed up on the top of my bureau, in a red plastic bag. Don't know how long it's been there, but I just looked in and there it was.
About a year ago I tried it with the rhythm of 20 and 7 minutes, repeated, that is suggested, and something changed inside...I could feel the difference...better.
I will take it up again...and report.
I've been doing Humaworm, yesterday the castor oil cleanse (read my jolly experience in that forum), food changes (somewhat), and so on. I am a different person entirely, though it is a long slow journey.
My experience with Silvia was a turning point, though not in any way I could have predicted.
Humaworm, of course, is my stalwart. I will stay with the routine for the rest of my life.
Altogether, I feel that well-being is out looking for me. Does that make any sense to you?
And, I am 70 years old...going on 32.
There are just so many ways to be well...and we notice them when we are ready, I think. It's an adventure.
My very best to you.