Re: ip6
What makes you think the soy damaged the thyroid of the people you mentioned? There are NUMEROUS things that can cause thyroid suppression. Soy is not high in the list since nearly all soy products are either cooked or fermented, both of which destroy any goitergenic activity. And many other commonly eaten foods such as broccoli are also goitergens.
As far as raising your estrogen levels, again I have a hard time accepting this. Phytoestrogens are on average 200-400 times weaker than the body's own estrogens. Because of this phytoestrogens actually help control over activity of stronger estrogens by locking up the estrogen receptors. And again there are a lot of common foods containing phytoestrogens or phytoestrogen-like compounds. These include yams (extremely high), peas, sage, seaweeds, beans, kudzu, berries, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels’s sprouts, parsley, oranges, etc., etc., etc.