Re: something more than meets
"the eye" here and that is it is the tough times that makes Masters
In other words, if there were no tests in scarcity then there would not be the pleasure or appreciation in opulence.
I'll bet what "broke" him I could salvage and turn into something more than "nothing"
Now I don't know this to be trus and its not just me, it would most likely be anyone who'd had to live in the creative energy and danc e abit. He probably never had to fend for himself at zero range, so his loss was catastophic and the end of him as he knew himself
Yes he has probably done a few good deeds if only for a tx write off, I'm thinking if he had the grace to ask, some would come to his rescue or atleast put him up for a few months.
The Masters of this world might have consternation for the initial impact (or not) but they would also know that they can rebuild and live at another station in life without any change in who they are (in the eyes of God and there fore their own eyes)