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Re: The Mystery of Candida
CandidaInContext Views: 1,800
Published: 16 y
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Re: The Mystery of Candida

I am not just talking about the anti-candida diet... I am talking about all protocols.

What is it that allows the candida to blossom in the first place? What is the context of conditions that allows it to flourish? Regardless of the strain. A person can take all the anti-fungals for any strain of candida they wish... if the context in the body allows for the growth of yeast... I dont see how an anti-fungal would cure it. Infact it could be degenerative to the condition... the fungus could be helping clear debris... as painful as it can be at times... it might actually be helping. But rarely is this considered.

It is the same for the waste build up in the bowels... sure it may allow candida to grow. But what does that tell you? Is it natural for the bowels to accumulate waste? What caused the bowels to accumulate waste... is it a natural barrier of protection for the linings of the intestines... in which case it might not be good to do a bowel cleanse. Or is it because the vitality in the bowels is weak... there is never yeast in healthy fresh fruit... only the old rotting fruit. Then again a cleanse might be exactly what a person needs... there is no real way to know. There is no end all be all solution because candida doesnt operate that way. Does the fruit need to have a Colon Cleanse because it has candida?

I have also yet to see multiple people stay disease free from following any one diet... I have yet to seen anyone in the Candida Forum s fully recover by following any one diet. Some diets might help with reactions... some diets my increase energy... but no full recovery.

I cant recommend a diet because each person is entirely different... I do recommend this. Keep a journal of what works for yourself and what doesnt. And when trying new therapies really think about the emotions and feelings in the body that are happening and write them down. IE I just had a can of pepsi... and I feel my heart rate go up, right after I had a reaction. Was it the Sugar feeding the candida, or was the Sugar and caffeine acting as a stimulant... lowering the immune system allowing the candida to grow. Maybe it was both. So many possibilities... then follow the chain of events... eventually all the symptoms and reactions ( both generative and degenerative) will point to something... leading you further down the road. Write down what ever specialists recommend... especially the ones that you have success with.


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