Please forgive me... because it is not my intent to try and change your minds. But perhaps give a change of perspective. Because the original message may have not been so clear.
Each of us here has great experience with our illnesses. And we have all done a great deal of research, and a variety of therapies. Yet what treatment will work well for one person... doesn't always work for another, and often results in a reaction.
Yet many experts will claim that certain therapies are 100% successful when performed correctly. So we will often blame ourselves if the therapy was not successful, or if we question the therapist... they will suggest that the method didnt work because we did something wrong (lol... this one is such a cop out) or its genetic... or a myriad of other factors.
This can be accurate, there are so many different factors in each of our illnesses. Often medicine is able to accurately describe a certain illness (and heal them)... but not every illness, especially not Candida.
So if the experts do not have single therapy that works most of the time when it comes to Candida, how could they possibly know everything about it? How could they be able to make such huge claims such as a cure? Especially in light that the context of each persons condition is different. IME when it comes to Candida each success (no matter how small) and bringing the condition to a tolerable level happens by experimenting... and eventually tailoring a therapy to the persons individual reactions. Candida is rarely if ever "what you see is what you get".
Often the experts know certain things might trigger a reaction... so they say its bad. And other foods don't... so they become good. Some experts even suggest that reactions are detox symptoms. Others suggest that detox is a myth. And others even suggest eat more of the food we have a reaction to... forcing the body to become immune. And then there is the great battles between all of the experts... and their recommended protocols. And then we often battle amoungst each other after reading them... probably because we are so frustrated (often not even having tried out the protocol, or just putting out what we read based on theory... and not on experience).
I.E. My great grandfather lived to 102 in great health eating a mostly fried meat and potato diet. (Now let all the experts battle it out explaining that one.)
Without having tried out a therapy... there no way to tell which will be effective and which will not. There might be a lot of success with a certain therapy... but that doesnt guarantee 100% success... especially with candida. What if Candida is merely a symptom of an imbalance in the body? There are infinite possibilities to create an imbalance.
Now many of the experts know certain things may cause reactions... and certain things do not based on the individual. So they will suggest something like the rotation diet. To me this makes alot of sense... because it allows for a diet that is tailored to the individuals condition. They might also make recommendations to avoid sugar, or fried foods. Now it might be ok to try it out... but if you do ok with fried foods or sugar... then why avoid them? Or what if a person does ok with fruits and honey... but not soda or
White Sugar ?
Perhaps it would be wise to avoid fried foods if a certain therapy has a protocol... and the individual is having success with it... even though they dont typically have a reaction with fried foods.
And what if we believe that eating a certain food will hurt us? Then we get stressed... and then have a reaction. But it wasnt the food, it was the stress. So then we label the food as bad. I think I have seen reports that say pretty much everything is bad for us. Now if a person believes it strongly, and is scared... there is more stress. I read about hypnotists having the ability to cause an allergy in someone by just suggesting it... and that can be done in a minute.
Now I am not going to say that candida is entirely mental... but from my experience a large part of it has to do with what I held in mind.
So I definitely suggest trying out different therapies, they probably exist because they have worked for someone. But I would suggest that you use only the ones that dont cause much stress and actually work. (IE Taking a cabinet full of pills... shows the pills dont work... and they only work at shrinking the bank account.) I suggest seeking help from a variety of sources. Curezone can be good in that respect. Keep discretion in mind when reading or listening to people... if they are full of pride or suggest that their method is the best and only way... I would definitely be skeptical.