All good suggestions - thank you. There are ways to lighten them from the surface. Dr Young recommends using Idaho Tansey (essential oil) mixed half and half with olive oil. I have heard that pineapple also works well.
I have just started getting a couple on my hands, but I consider it a marker - meaning that I have them because I need to cleanse and I'm not getting the right amount of nutrients in my diet. I like having 'red flags' come up like this because as I 'cleanse and nourish' I know that I can eliminate them and it gives me a marker to show how much I am progressing. Check the post I just made under 'post menopausal concerns' to see what I mean.
I am going out to Ohio this month to do a 21-day orange juice fast with Barefoot and then going back on a live-food diet with daily wheat grass juice. As I bring my body back into balance these 'red flags' will disappear. Another name for age spots is liver spots - appropriately named because they are a good indicator of how toxic the liver is.
Remember that the skin is usually a reflection of what's going on inside the body.
Good luck, Dr Mom